Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We're Home

After 8 weeks, we have returned to Mobile. We arrived safely in Mobile at 11:20 am on July 3rd. Ben, who complained of not feeling well before the flight, was sick most of the way. He had fever, shivers, vomit, aches and pains, etc. Amanda, however, was there to nurse him through the flight. Fortunately they had three seats to themselves so they could lay down (though certainly not stretch out). Another benefit was the personal audio/video system was working better than on the trip there. So despite the discomfort, we had several options of entertainment. Ben would periodically bug the flight staff for more yogurt.

This trip was wonderful. We learned so much; we met so many wonderful people; we received unbelievable hospitality; we saw so many amazing monuments, mountains, and animals.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. By God's grace, we encountered no problem that was beyond surmounting. You played an important role. We look forward to telling you the many little stories.

Also, thanks so much for reading our blog. We have had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you have enjoyed reading it. I hope you will continue to pray for the different people in ministries that we visited. You can stay updated on Sudip and Anne Lise through their website http://www.compassionforasia.org/news.html .

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I was attacked!

Yesterday, Ben and I went to see the India ate, a war memorial. I was taking Ben's picture in front of the gate when two Indian girls about my age attacked my! Don't worry, though, they attacked me with mehendi, and it was totally painless. Mehendi is the Indian art of temporary tatooing, mainly flowery designs on the hands and feet. The ladies claimed they deserved 100 Rupees per hand for their surprise attack, but Ben only gave them 10 per hand, and we walked away with them still complaining. My sweaty hands soon turned their amateur designs into just a giant brown smudge on the backs of my hands, so now I look like I have a skin disease (not uncommon in India). I fit right in!