Sunday, June 04, 2006

Counting down the days...

Here is a summary of what’s been going on. We’re preparing to leave for India on Wednesday, so we don’t have much time for details.

On Tuesday night before we left, we had dinner with the Shresthas, Sangita’s family. They are so precious. The food was the best Nepali food we’ve had. Her mother was overjoyed to have us in her home. We returned Friday evening after our trip to the village to bid her farewell; she was leaving for Hong Kong the next day. We left promising to stay in her house when we return to Nepal.

On Friday, the Maoists (a communist terrorist group that controls much of Nepal outside of Kathmandu) had a rally in Kathmandu. We had brief encounters with them during our village trip: they like to demand money from travelers on popular roads out of Kathmandu. On our way to the Shresthas’ on Friday, though, we got caught in their procession back to their buses.

Saturday was our last day at church. We said our goodbyes, and Ben taught guitar for most of the afternoon. We ended the day by sharing a nice double-date with our hosts. We went to one of their favorite restaurants (where I had the best veggie burger ever), and they surprised us afterward with a treat of fresh-squeezed juice from a fruit stand.

Today, Sunday, was very busy. We visited Prakash’s family (we will return for lunch tomorrow) and Namuna’s father. We also ran into Sangita’s brother and uncle again, which was a nice surprise. They asked us to come for dinner tomorrow night, and I regret that we may not have time. They are much fun to be around.

Our trip in Nepal is coming to a close, and I wish I could stay longer. There are a few families that we could not get in touch with and many people I wish I could’ve gotten to know better. There is one thing I am very proud of though: I got a great deal on a pocket knife for Ben today because I bargained in Nepali.


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