Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Class of Praise and Worship (with vomit thrown in)

Monday I woke up sick. This was something that was somewhat predicted. People get sick like this even if they don’t eat anything bad. There’s a good chance that something I ate on the Nagarkot trip started it. I never really felt worse than nausea, but I was sick (I’ll spare you the details). Monday, I was well enough to teach a Ministry School class on Praise and Worship. Anne Lise had asked me if I wanted to take over the class for her (she has been involved in worship leadership for years, though Nepal doesn’t provide much of an outlet for it). She gave me a lot of freedom with the class for the time I would be here.

Agreeing to teach a class is one thing, preparing for it is quite another. I remembered that my father had developed a course on worship, and upon request he emailed it to me early that morning (for us). So I was able to use it for the two hours of teaching.

The school is still quite small. Only ten students live in the building and attend classes. Previous semesters have been much larger but because of the political situation, even some of the people who had registered, have yet to come.

Teaching with a translator has it’s benefits. I use the translation time to think about what I’m going to say next, which most of the time keeps me from rambling. One funny moment was when I was talking about the two trees in the garden of Eden (Tree of life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) symbolizing worship of Jesus and Idolatry. For a few minutes everyone looked really confused. The translator looked at me and asked “adultery?”

We finished the class with singing some songs. I’m teaching them some English songs, and they are teaching me Nepali ones.

That afternoon Anne Lise had prepared a large meal for a late lunch meeting with a Singaporean. Our hosts had some complicated business with her. Amanda and I sat in on the meal. I hadn’t ate two bites, when I reportedly turned ghost white, and ran to the bathroom. The food looked good, but my stomach wouldn’t let me eat. Yogurt, I was able to eat, and what great yogurt it is. It’s made from Yak’s milk.


Blogger Sarah/Robert said...

So glad you didn't throw up in the middle of class! And yogurt is really good for the digestive system. Hope you can eat a lot of it..

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:05:00 PM  

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